
Fine Art Prints

All signature fine art photographs are custom printed by Michael on a tradition, heavyweight watercolor paper using archival pigments. This is a museum quality paper which is 100% cotton based, acid free, lignin-free and contains no optical brighteners. The paper is characterized by its unique tactile feel and surface texture.The fine yet highly pronounced felt structure of this genuine mould-made watercolor paper gives the photographs a striking depth and three-dimensional effect. This paper also guarantees outstanding color reproduction and detail, impressive contrasts and deep blacks. All of Michael’s photographs have been coated with an archival UV protective spray. Care should be taken when handling unframed photographs as the watercolor texture on this paper is fragile. To maintain the archival quality of this paper, acid free archival framing materials must be used in the framing process.

All framing done by Michael uses international conservation framing methods to insure the utmost archival quality and longevity of the photographs. All glass is polished with non-ammonia cleaner and spacers are used to separate the photograph from touching the glass. The glass, photograph and acid free backing are sealed to prevent dust and environmental contaminants with archival tape. The aluminum frames have a modern clean profile and are available in white or black.

Please contact Michael Miller at michael@emichaelmiller.com for print & framing pricing and sizes.